You can download rainmater link
SimplyNovaV2.0 has a few slight twists to it's former design. It hasn't been as popular, but people have still liked it, as I hope you all will.
I didn't create V2.0 as an updated version of the first - it's just a little bit different is all
Hard Drive Statistics: Used amounts
Network Statistics: Current usage of Upload and Download + IP Address displayed and Gmail
System Statistics: Current usage of CPU, RAM, SWAP, Top Process (running) + Trash
12 Hour time + date
4-day forecast weather: Showing current and low temps.
Both bars offer preview of using linked images for URL's and/or file locations
****WEATHER EDITING**** To change the weather unit (F or C) and location follow these simple steps..
1. Right click on the weather meter and select Edit Skin.
2. To change weather measure - use f for farenheit and m for celsius.
3. To find your location code - use this site: [link] and enter your code to replace the one currently there.
Hopy you like it!
[drag down press Get Link]
(3.1 MB, Full HD)
(This post contains only a selection of the set, the full set is in this zip file, in their original size.) Click Skip Ad at the top right to get to the download.
(3.1 MB, Full HD)
(This post contains only a selection of the set, the full set is in this zip file, in their original size.) Click Skip Ad at the top right to get to the download.
Credit author: Nova-7-Sev-dd
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